Thursday, October 31, 2013

Once Upon A Time there was an Adoption Party... humans, not dogs.

Once Opon A Time my husband and I adopted a sibling group of three.
When I Googled "Adoption Party" the results were mainly for animal adoptions. Yay for doggies and kitties! Not so much yay for me. So... I just did my own thing... with a lot of help from my Cricut machine.

Forever was a very important part of our Adoption Story. Being that we had a sibling group and the oldest of the three had memories of the birth family, we needed her to know that family was forever from this point on. 

Since we adopted a sibling group, the party didn't fit in the "baby shower" theme. Our kids were ages 2-7 and we had a boy and two girls. Plus this party was for my husband, our biological daughter, and ME.
So... I wanted something age appropriate for everyone and not too girly.

Happily Ever After... Forever