I wonder if my five-year-old daughter will always be as funny as she currently is. Last week we were sitting in the church parking lot, waiting for the previous service to let out so we could go to the next service. Yes, we go to a mega-church and we love it. Shout out Matt Chandler!!!
Since we had to wait about fifteen minutes, and our three youngest children tend to get impatient while sitting in a vehicle, in a parking lot, in Texas, in August, and I tend to not want to listen to booger, fart, burp, snot remarks, we turned on the movie that was currently in the DVD player: Zoom with Tim Allen.
Tim says, "You are so white."
My five-year-old daughter, Caisen, asks, "What does he mean, Mommy?"
I reply, "He means they have no rhythm or they're dorks. Like we call Aaron, Big Whitey, 'cause he can't dance and he looks goofy."
I should probably tell you that my husband, myself, and our eldest and only biological daughter are white, while our three youngest children are adopted and black or mulatto.
Smart-daddy asks, "Who in our family do you think is white?"
Caisen replies, "Mommy! She's VERY white!"
Hahaha... yeah, everyone laugh and get a kick out of my fluorescent skin... I won't be wrinkly and full of sunspots when I'm 60. Then we reminisce of about three years ago when Jazlyn, our now nine-year-old, told me that I was the whitest of the white ones. Yep, that's me, people. The whitest of the white ones.
Daddy asks, "So, what am I?"
Caisen very matter-of-factly says, "You're dark red."
My husband has freckles that kind of all mush together and as he gets darker throughout the summer, I would have to agree with Caisen on his coloring--dark-red. She said she is the darkest with dark-brown skin, and our three-year-old boy is very light-brown. She's about right on all of the above.
So there you have it. My rainbow family.